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Animal Control

Have a dog or thinking of getting one? It’s never too late to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations that flow with dog ownership.

On This Page:

Lost Dogs

Lost dogs can be reported to the Main Administration Office and the Animal Control Officer.  If you cannot locate your dog, you may wish to contact the Animal Control Officer in order to determine if your dog has been impounded.

Animal Control Officer

The Animal Control Officer for the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley is appointed by Council. Reporting to the By-law Enforcement Officer, it is the responsibility of the Animal Control Officer to investigate reports to follow up on complaints made by Township residents regarding dogs running at large, persistent barking and other violations of the Dog By-law.

The Officer has the authority to impound a dog and transport it to the appropriate location pending contact with the owner of the dog.

Dog Tags

Annual dog tags are required for all dogs in the Township unless otherwise indicated in the Dog By-law.

Available Locations

From January through March dog tags can be purchased at several locations throughout the Township, including both municipal offices (6544 New Dublin Rd and 424 County Road 29).

Other locations include the following if purchased prior to March 31st of any given year:

  • Harvex [formerly Dixie and Egan] (8050 County Rd 29)
  • Mr. Gas (3065 County Rd 29)

Tickets are available at all locations until March 31st, at which time tags become available only at the municipal offices.

Cost Per Tag

Until the 31st of March tags cost $25.00 per tag. After March 31st the cost per tag becomes $35.00.

Replacement Tags

Replacement tags are available at the municipal offices at a cost of $1.00 per tag.

New Residents

New residents of the Township must license their dogs within 30 days of moving to the Township. The cost for a dog tag if you are a new resident is $25.00.


The Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley does not currently license cats. The Animal Control Officer and the By-law Enforcement Officer do not impound stray cats; additionally Riverdale Kennels does not accept cats on behalf of the Township.

Animal Control By-law

By-law 18-16 established the regulations for the Township with regard to dogs and kennels. To view the complete by-law, as well as By-laws 02-53, 11-62 and 14-32, amending Dog By-law 02-23, please Click here.

The by-law establishes several offences for which dogs may be impounded and their owners fined. These offences include running at large, persistent barking and public nuisance.

Running At Large

What does running at large mean? In By-law 18-16, Section IV (2), running at large is defined as, A dog shall be deemed to be running at large unless the dog is:

  • Constrained by a leash,
  • On the owners property and under the care and control of its owner,
  • Being used for hunting and under the direct control of the owner or the owner’s designate,
  • Inside the owner’s residence, or
  • Contained within a vehicle, building or structure or cage described in Schedule “B”.

The penalties for a dog running at large include a $50.00 fine.

Persistent Barking

Persistent barking fits into the category of public nuisance. To define public nuisance see the next section.

Public Nuisance

What constitutes a public nuisance? Section VI (2) of By-law 18-16 describes public nuisance as it relates to dogs in the following manner: A dog or a kennel of dogs can be considered a public nuisance if,

  • it persistently barks or howls for unreasonable lengths of time,
  • it has offensive odour or odours that may attract other animals, except when the odour is caused by a female dog in heat that is properly cared for,
  • it dumps or scatters garbage or trash,
  • it persistently chases vehicles or pedestrians that are using public or private property adjacent to the property which is harbouring the dog, or
  • it excretes feces on property other than the property harbouring the dog.

A fine of $100.00 is applicable to dogs that are found to be a public nuisance.


The following fines are in Schedule A of By-law 18-16. These fines may be levied against the owner of the dog in addition to the release fees charged in the event the animal has been impounded. Impounded animals are discussed in the next section.

Violation Set Fine

  • Unlicensed Dog $25.00
  • Dog tag used on dog other than the dog registered $25.00
  • Leaving dog waste on private property $25.00
  • Dog running at large $50.00
  • Dog not on leash $50.00
  • Dog with offensive odour $50.00
  • Dog being a public nuisance $100.00

Release Fees for Impounded Animals

There are a number of situations within which the Animal Control Officer or the By-law Enforcement Officer may impound a dog. The fees to free impounded animals are found in Schedule A of By-law 18-16.

Release Fees
Offence Set Fee

  • Release Fee of $50.00/day of Impoundment
  • Subsequent Offences (Charges must be laid under the Provincial Offences Act) $200.00

Aggressive Dogs

An aggressive dog is defined under Section 1 of the By-law 18-16 as “any dog that has bitten a person or a domestic animal without provocation, or has a known propensity, tendency or disposition to attack without provocation persons or other domesticated animals”. Under this By-law special requirements are placed on the owner of aggressive dogs, including special licensing fees.


Dog owners with more than three dogs may be required to obtain a kennel license. Kennels are addressed in Section VII of By-law 18-16 and in Schedules B, C and D of said By-law. Kennel license fees are laid out in Schedule A. Kennel applications must be signed and returned to the Main Administration office at 6544 New Dublin Road. Questions regarding kennels should be directed to the By-law Enforcement Officer.

Contact Us

Animal Control
Animal Control Officer, Sally Bell. Text: 613-803-0053

Impounded Animals
Sally Mellon
Text: 613-803-0053

By-law Enforcement
Tel: 613-345-7480 or 1-800-492-3175 (within the 613 area code)
Fax: 613-345-7235
Email: by-law@ektwp.ca