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Composition and Duties of Council

The Council of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley is composed of seven members including the Mayor and six Councillors. All members are elected ‘at-large’ for a four year term. There are no wards in the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley.

Duties of the Mayor

The Mayor is elected at large during a regular election. As described in By-law 10-07, the Policies and Procedures By-law of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley, the Mayor is required to carry out the following duties when chairing a Council Meeting:

  • Except as otherwise provided for herein, the Mayor shall be the Presiding Officer at all meetings of Council
  • The Presiding Officer shall:
    • Open all Council meetings by taking the Chair and calling the Members to order;
    • Make such remarks as is fitting for the information or assistance of Council;
    • Receive and submit in the proper manner, all motions presented by Members of Council;
    • Put to vote all questions which are regularly moved and seconded or necessarily arise in the course of the proceedings and announce the result;
    • Decline to put to vote motions which infringe upon the Rules of Procedure;
    • Enforce on all occasions the observance of order and decorum among the members;
    • To call by name any Member persisting in breach of the Rules of Procedure and order him/her to vacate the Chamber;
    • To inform Council, when necessary or when referred to for the purpose, in a point of order;
    • Authenticate by his/her signature, when necessary, all by-laws, resolutions and minutes of Council;
    • Represent and support Council; declaring its will and implicitly obeying its decisions in all things;
    • Ensure that the decisions of Council conform to the laws and by-laws governing the activities of Council;
    • Adjourn the meeting without question in the case of a grave disorder arising in the Council chamber.
  • The Presiding Officer may state relevant facts and his/her position on any matter before Council without leaving the chair, but the Presiding Officer must first leave the chair to move a motion.
  • If the Presiding Officer desires to leave the chair to move a motion, pursuant to subsection 3 c) above or otherwise, the Presiding Officer shall call upon the Acting Mayor as set out in the Acting Mayor By-law, passed by Council from time to time, who is in attendance to preside until the issue is resolved.
  • In the event that the Acting Mayor is not in attendance, the next member of Council listed in the Acting Mayor By-law shall assume the duties of the Acting Mayor.

The Mayor also represents the Township at various meetings and functions, including holding a seat on County Council.

Duties of the Councillors

The Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley has six Township Councillors, not including the Mayor, who are elected at large. Duties of the Councillors include attending Council Meetings, Regular and Working Sessions, as well as sitting on a number of Committees.

During the Term of Council, the Councillors rotate the duties of Acting Mayor.  In the absence of the Mayor, the Acting Mayor will fill the role and its responsibilities.

Contact Council

Members of Council can also be reached by contacting the Clerk. To send written correspondence to any member of council, please direct your letters to:

Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley
6544 New Dublin Road
RR 2 Addison, ON K0E 1A0

Mayor Brant Burrow
Phone: 613-342-9006 [Temporarily Out of Order]
Email: mayor@ektwp.ca

Councillor Earl Brayton
Phone: 613-345-2650
Email: mail@ektwp.ca

Councillor Dan Downey
Phone: 613-275-1460
Email: dowcom@sympatico.ca

Councillor Christina Eady [Currently on Leave]
Phone: 613-803-4613
Email: ceady@ektwp.ca

Councillor Henry Oosterhof
: 613-924-9378
: hoosterhof@ektwp.ca

Councillor Eleanor Renaud
Phone: 613-275-2091
Email: mail@ektwp.ca

Councillor Rob Smith
Phone: 613-498-0827
Email: rsmith@ektwp.ca

Code of Conduct

Please click here to view the Code of Conduct adopted by Council in August 2018.

2023-2026 Strategic Plan

An electronic version of this document is available by clicking this link: Elizabethtown-Kitley Strategic Plan 2023-2026