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Current Committees

Each committee has their own webpage which describes their purpose, lists their membership and states their next meeting time and location.

Appointments to Boards and Committees

Members are appointed by Council for each Term. At the beginning of each term of Council advertisements are placed in local newspapers to notify the public that it is seeking members for various committees. Potential members are urged to apply in writing to the Clerk. Applications are considered and a by-law is passed appointing successful candidates to the committees.

Should a committee seat become vacant during a term, the vacancy will be advertised and letters of interest requested from potential members. The new member will be chosen and appointed to the committee via by-law.

How are Committees Formed?

The decision to form a committee is generated from one of two sources; they are born of specific pieces of legislation, or out of community interest.

In order to form a committee, Council must pass a by-law to bring that committee into existence. Members must be appointed to the committee from the general public; with one representative from Council on each committee.

The Municipal Act gives Council the authority to establish boards and committees to examine issues that are of interest to Council and to the community provided that the area of interest falls within the jurisdiction of the municipality.

Various provincial Acts call for the creation of certain boards and committees. For example, the formation of the Committee of Adjustment is authorized under the Planning Act, R.S.0. 1990, and the formation of the Public Library Board is authorized in the Public Libraries Act, R.S.0. 1990.

Length of Term

The term of committee membership corresponds with the term of the Council that appointed it. In other words, every four years, following the election of a new Township Council, committee members must be re-appointed. Membership on the board or committee may change or stay the same dependent upon the interest of the members and the decision of Council.

There is no limit to the number of terms committee members may serve. Committee members are at liberty to resign from a committee any time.

When do the Committees meet?

Each Committee sets its own meeting schedule, which they are at liberty to vary from month to month. To determine the next meeting.

Meeting Minutes

Council and Committee minutes are available on the Township’s Virtual Library. To view minutes, Click here.

General Contacts for Committees

For all general questions regarding the committee process, please contact the Clerk’s Department at 6544 New Dublin Rd, RR 2, Addison, ON K0E 1A0.

Phone613-345-7480 or 1-800-492-3175 (within the 613 area code)
Fax: 613-345-7235

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