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Hiring Resources

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The Employment + Education Centre (EEC) (https://www.eecentre.com/) is a not-for-profit agency that services the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley and the surrounding area.  The EEC assists individuals seeking employment and new skills, while also helping employers expand their workforce through various programs.  Furthermore, the EEC works closely with other organizations to ensure that you receive the best service available.

View an Executive Summary of Ongoing Programs

Programs for Businesses

The Employment + Education Centre has established a special Business Helpline (613-803-9771).  Businesses of all sizes can receive assistance in finding workers, HR support, as well as select funding opportunities.

Business Services Catalog (2021)

There are various funding and support resources offered by various governments and agencies.  Support includes wage and training subsidies, job grants, and free hiring services.  Those interested in learning more are encouraged to contact the EEC to speak to one of their experts.

Programs for Job Seekers

The agency offers a variety of programs and services in addition to their Job Board.  They include employment coaching, career mentorship, and specialized programs for on demand jobs.  Their website also offers tips on working remotely and list special services for youth looking to enter the workforce.  Visit https://www.eecentre.com/job-seekers.php to learn more.

The Employment + Education Centre is not the only accessible resource.  Select post-secondary institutions, regional, provincial, and federal programs may also be available.  Staff at the EEC can point you in the right direction of other opportunities.

Additional Resources

Further resources are available on our “Business Links” webpage.  Current municipal employment opportunities are listed at https://ektwp.ca/government/employment-opportunities/.