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Public Works

Road Construction Projects

2023 Projects
The following road projects are proposed to be approved with the passing of the budget to take place in 2023.  Timelines for when work will begin or expected to be completed have not been determined at this time.

  • Airport Road – Asphalt overlay from Airport Entrance to Fairfield Road
  • Debruge Road – Drainage improvements, road rehabilitation & surface treatment from David Drive to Haggarts Side Road
  • Hallecks Road South – Drainage improvements, road rehabilitation & paving
  • Kinch Street – Surface treatment east of County Road 7
  • Kitley Line 3 – Reconstruction & paving from Hughes Road to the west for 1.0 kilometres
  • Kitley Line 8 – Road reconstruction from Leacock Road to the east for 1.0 to 1.5 kilometres
  • Lockwood Road – Road rehabilitation & surface treatment

Energy Management Plan

The Township’s Energy Management Plan is available as a PDF in the side menu located at the top of the page.

Roadside Mowing

Roadside mowing is contracted out by the Township. Each year bids are accepted by Council and the company with the lowest acceptable bid is offered the mowing contract.

For more information on roadside mowing, including schedules and bidding, contact the Public Works Department at 613-345-7480

County Roads

Maintenance and snow plowing of County Roads is the responsibility of the Public Works Department of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville.

All inquiries regarding County Roads should be directed to:
United Counties of Leeds & Grenville
25 Central Ave. W., Suite 100
Brockville, ON K6V 4N6
Tel: 613-342-3840
Fax: 613-342-3069

Entranceways & Culverts

In order to establish an entranceway onto your property, a permit must first be issued.  If you live on a County Road you must contact the County Roads Department to make this application.

Entrance Permits

What is an entranceway?
By-law 11-35 of the Corporation of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley states that the term “entranceway”:

… Shall mean any driveway, lane, private road, entrance or other structure or facility constructed or used as a means of access to a township road, and includes the tiling and covering or filling in of a roadside ditch for the purpose of improving a lawn or other frontage.

Why do I need an entranceway permit?
Section 2.04 of By-law 11-35, the Entranceways By-law, states that permits are required in order that:

…The location of the entranceway must be approved by the Road Superintendent to ensure maximum safety, free flow of traffic and compliance with municipal by-laws and to minimize the possibility of interference with the road or the creation of a maintenance problem.

Entrance Permits On Township Roads
Applications for an entranceway onto a Township road must be made to the Public Works Department of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley.

The permit fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) must be received by the Township before the permit can be issued.

Entrance Permits on County Roads
To obtain an entranceway permit onto a road maintained by the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, please contact the Counties at 613-342-3840 or write to:

United Counties of Leeds & Grenville
25 Central Ave. W., Suite 100
Brockville, ON K6V 4N6


For information on ditching, maintenance of existing culverts, including flooding due to clogged culverts, and any other issues related to ditches on Township roads contact the Public Works Department at 613-345-7480.

Winter Road Maintenance

During the winter season, Public Works staff monitors weather conditions through road patrols and local forecasts to strategically dispatch crews to clear roads and ensure safety for the municipality.

The Public Works department provides winter maintenance to Township roads through snow clearing and ice control.  The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville are responsible for clearing and maintaining county roads within the Township.  Operations may be conducted seven days per week, depending on the timing of snow and ice events. Drivers’ maximum number of hours worked per day are regulated by the Province of Ontario. The Public Works Department will work to be as effective, efficient, and professional as possible under these conditions.

Snow Clearing
In the event of a snowfall, Public Works will deploy snow clearing resources to Township roadways as soon as is practical.  It could take between 16 to 48 hours after snowfall to finish clearing all residential roadways.

We prioritize frequently travelled major arterial routes before moving onto local, residential, and commercial areas, and rural routes.

Treating icy roadways
Resources will be deployed to treat icy roadways as soon as is practical after becoming aware that the roadway is icy.  It could take between 12 to 24 hours to fully treat all roadways in the Township.

Snow at ends of driveways
There will always be snow that is deposited into driveway openings by the plow after snowfall as this cannot be avoided.  Homeowners are responsible for clearing their driveway of snow.  If you are unable to clear this snow, we suggest you contact family, neighbours or contractors that can help with snow removal.

Placing snow or ice on a roadway is a violation under the Highway Traffic Act.  It is also a safety hazard for pedestrians and vehicles, causing snowy and slippery conditions and hampers our operations and delays clean-up by requiring equipment to return to previously cleared areas.  Please place all snow onto grassy areas or where there is no walkway or road.

Winter Parking Restrictions
In accordance with By-Law 03-21 No person shall park or permit to be parked any motor vehicle or trailer on any roadway between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. during the months of November, December, January, February, March, and to the 15th of April inclusive in one year (winter season) within the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley.

2007 Road Needs Study

The Road Asset Management Study can be accessed at https://ektwp.ca/document/road-asset-management-study/.

Water Distribution System

To view the water distribution system along County Road 2, please click on the appropriate document title.

Nuisance Beavers

Beaver dams may create potential flood threats.  Learn more about nuisance beavers by clicking the following PDF link: Beaver Dams Affecting Property

Contact Us

Jennifer Wood, Public Works Administrative Assistant/Recreation Coordinator

Phone: 613-345-7480
Fax: 613-345-7235
Email: mail@ektwp.ca
Public Works Department
Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley
6544 New Dublin Rd
RR 2 Addison, ON K0E 1A0