COVID-19 Infrastructure Project
Repairs and Upgrades for Township Facilities
The Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley will be receiving $97,000 as part of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program.
The funds will be used towards the repair and replacement of HVAC systems, windows and exterior doors at various municipal facilities.
Learn more here: Investing in Canada Plan
Ontario Trillium Grant
Repairs and Upgrades for Township Facilities
Learn about upgrades and improvements made within EK here: MEDIA RELEASE – OCTOBER 2023
The Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley received $380,000 over 12 months as part of the Community Building Fund.
The funds will address a community need by repairing dugouts and bleachers, as well as installing pavilions that will provide sheltered outdoor space for three local baseball facilities.
Learn more here: Ontario Trillium Foundation – Capital Grant
The Canada Community-Building Fund (formerly known as the federal Gas Tax Fund)
The Canada Community-Building Fund is a permanent source of federal funding for local infrastructure. Funds are provided to communities up front, twice a year, and can be strategically invested across 18 project categories to address local priorities.
Through the Canada Community-Building Fund, the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley recieved funding as a means of improving infrastructure to promote economic growth.
Funding was allocated between the following projects for 2023:
- New Play Structures at both Heather Heights Park (Tincap) and Kitley Soccer Grounds (Toledo Municipal Facility): $110,000
- Improvements [pulverize, base stabilization, and paving] to Hallecks Road South from Hallecks Road East/West Intersection to County Road 2: $326,000
- Improvements [pulverize, base stabilization, and paving] to Debruge Road from David Drive to Haggarts Side Road: $200,000