This page is intended to assist you as you begin the severance process. Persons considering a severance application are encouraged to contact the Planning & Development Department on a preliminary basis before a formal application is filed with the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville.
On This Page:
- What is a severance?
- What is the severance application process and costs?
- Where can I obtain an application?
- What is the Planning Advisory Committee?
- Suggested Links
- For More Information
What is a severance?
A severance (or consent) is a land division process followed to create only one (or two) new lots from an existing parcel. Any further division, e.g. three or more lots, would necessitate the filing for approval of a plan of subdivision.
To permit a severance it must meet all the policies and requirements of the Township’s Official Plan, Zoning By-law and related provincial policy and other regulations.
The County of Leeds & Grenville is the approval body for both severances and plans of subdivisions. Procedures related to both severances and plans of subdivision processes are outlined in the Planning Act and related regulations.
The County of Leeds and Grenville has the authority in this municipality for granting severances. The Township does however receive notice of filed applications and reviews filed severance applications, and makes recommendations to the County Consent Granting Authority (through the Planning Advisory Committee and Council).
Please contact the Planning & Development Department if you have a specific severance proposal that would like reviewed in relation to its conformity with the Official Plan and Zoning By-law prior to formally applying. To submit a proposal for preliminary review, the Request Preliminary Review Form with a sketch should be submitted to the Township.
For further information or mapping to assist with your sketch, please contact the Planning and Development Department. For further information on the severance or plan of subdivision process, you can also contact the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville:
Consent Granting Authority
United Counties of Leeds & Grenville (Administration)
25 Central Ave. W., Suite 100
Brockville ON K6V 4N6
Phone: 613-342-3840
Severance (Consent) Process:
Krista Weidenaar, Secretary-Treasurer
Plan of Subdivision Process:
Cherie Mills, County Planner
What is the severance application process and costs?
After preliminary consultation has been completed with the Planning and Development Department, a formal severance application can be made to the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville.
The County portion of the filing fee is $800.00. The Township charges a $400.00 processing fee. The Health Unit and Conservation Authorities also charge a number of additional processing fees. If the severance is approved, additional expenses may apply, such as survey costs, legal costs, and costs associated with fulfilling conditions, ex. standard conditions $500.00 per lot cash-in-lieu of parkland contribution, road widening etc.. The Planning Advisory Committee also offers applicants an opportunity to discuss a potential application at a fee of $200 prior to filing a formal application. Please contact the Planning & Development Department should you wish to further discuss this opportunity.
Where can I obtain an application?
A Township information guide on the severance process can be found at
Applications can be obtained from the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville’s website at or from their office located at 25 Central Ave. W., Brockville. Severance applications are also available at the Main Township Administration Office at 6544 New Dublin Road during regular office hours.
If you wish to discuss a proposed application you are advised to call 613-345-7480 or 1-800-492-3175 (within the 613 area code) and ask for the Planning Department for initial information.
What is the Planning Advisory Committee?
The Planning Advisory Committee (“PAC”) is a policy driven committee that recognizes the complex interfaces between the environmental, social and economic factors in land use planning. The PAC, an appointed Committee by Council, makes recommendations to Council on planning related matters including severance applications for new lots. More information about the Planning Advisory Committee can be found at
Suggested Links
For more information on Severances, check out: The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s Citizen’s Guide, Land Severances at and the County Land Division website at
For More Information
For more information on the severance process, or to have a proposal examined on a preliminary basis, contact the Planning and Development Department using the contact information listed in the banner at the top of each webpage.