What is the Planning Advisory Committee?
The Planning Advisory Committee (“PAC”) is a policy driven committee that recognizes and balances the complex interfaces between the environmental, built form, social and economic factors in land use planning, making recommendations to Council on planning related matters
Types of Applications Assessed by the Committee
- Land Division (Severances)
- Zoning By-law Amendments/Official Plan Amendments
- Plans of Subdivision
- Site Plan Development
- Deeming By-laws
- The Township’s Comprehensive Official Plan review process
- Other planning and development related reports
Processes respecting each type of application are outlined in the Planning Act and related regulations. Related fees are outlined by Township by-law.
The PAC carries out review of the above filed applications through meetings with applicants, by consideration of filed materials and provided staff information/reports and by conducting site visits. Recommendations are based on compliance or non-compliance with the Official Plan and Zoning By-laws, the Provincial Policy Statements (PPS).
Committee Agendas & Minutes
For Planning Advisory Committee agendas, please Click here. For minutes, Click here.
Meeting Information
The Planning Advisory Committee generally meets at 4:00 p.m. the 3rd Thursday of the month at the Main Administration Office in New Dublin.
Committee Members
- Harold Bryan
- Linda Hill
- Mark Wales
Council Representative
- Councillor Henry Oosterhof
- Councillor Tom Linton
- Mayor Brant Burrow
Staff Resource
- Planner Michael Czarny
- Planning Assistant Sarah Hagen
Contact The Committee
For more information on the Planning Advisory Committee, or to list a matter on the agenda of an upcoming meeting, contact the department at:
Phone : 613-345-7480 or 1-800-492-3175 (within the 613 area code)
Fax : 613-345-7235
Email : planning@ektwp.ca