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Campus Elizabethtown (Proposed Development for Rows Corners)

About this Project:

On December 20th, 2023, the Township hosted a press event with representatives from Campus Habitations regarding their proposed development at Rows Corners.
This development will bring to the region a desperately needed housing solution which is specifically targeted at local workforce needs and aligns with CMHC affordability guidelines, whilst acknowledging the significant recreational history of the property.

Project Contacts

Project Contacts:

Mayor Brant Burrow
613-342-9006 or mayor@ektwp.ca

Leslie Drynan, Administrator(CAO)/Clerk
613-342-7480 ext. 237 or ldrynan@ektwp.ca


Project Location
How Did We Get Here? Process To Date
March 2023 • Strategic Plan discussions commenced (approved September 2023)
View Stategic Plan (Economic Development Initiative No. 2, pg. 6)
April 2023 Opportunities Report: A-23-37 Opportunities for Rows Corners
May 2023 RFP 2023-001 Rows Corner Park Land Master Plan
July 2023 Alternate Proposal Accepted (Resolution No. 197-23)
August – December 2023 • Due Diligence Period (Completion of Studies by Campus Habitations Team)
December 2023 Extension Request
Extension Approval
• Submission of Site Plan
Media Release – Campus Habitations
Campus Habitations Press Kit
Press Event (Youtube)
January 2024 Report A-24-003: Preliminary Site Plan
Report A-24-004: Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CIHA) Tool Option
By-law No. 24-02 First & Second Reading of Land Lease
Public Meeting
By-law No. 24-02 Third Reading of Land Lease


• Circulation of Site Plan to Commenting Agencies
• Formal Discussions Begin with Brockville re Water/Sewer Services

February 2024 Report A-24-013 Request for Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CIHA) Order (Supported by Resolution No. 035-24)
• Preparations for Follow-Up Public Meeting with Developers
March 2024
Notice of Community (Public) Meeting – Meet Campus Habitations
Media Release: Housing Enabling Water Systems Fund Joint Application



June 2024

24-06-06 Campus Elizabethtown CIHA-MZO Request Follow-up

July 2024

24-07-11 Implementation Mitigation Measures

September 2024

24-09-09 Confirmation of MZO Requirements

October 2024

A-24-60 Proposed Campus Elizabethtown Development (Rows Corners Fairgrounds) Update



Next Steps


Now – Febuary 2024 Circulation of Site Plan to Commenting Agencies
February 12, 2024 CIHA Request Resolution
Notice of Public Meeting [Posting] & [Mailing]
February 13, 2024 CIHA Submission to MMAH
March 18, 2024 Notice of Community (Public) Meeting
April, May, June 2024 Awaiting confirmation on CIHA submission and HEWS funding application


More on the Project:


The Campus Habitations proposal for the Township’s property at Rows Corners follows a series of events which began with Council’s strategic planning session held at the start of its current term.

Among other priorities in its Strategic Plan, Council specifically identified to “review and challenge the status quo of current land assets and oversee corporate property decisions to maximize value, particularly Rows Corners Fairgrounds and North Augusta Road properties”, and also to “prioritize growth, streamline development processes, and support developers in initiating new projects”.

During various Committee and Council meetings throughout Spring 2023, robust discussions regarding the property took place and Council ultimately passed a resolution at its April 11, 2023, meeting to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) whereby housing could be an option.

After an assessment of the RFP’s, at its July 17, 2023, meeting, Council passed a resolution to continue due diligence with Campus Habitations and now that a Site Plan has been submitted for review and approval, the Township is seizing this opportunity to bring the balance of the process back into the public forum.