Be Aware of Scams. Do not give out personal information over the phone or online. Contact the organizations directly if you wish to donate or are in need of their assistance.
Notice: Many of these agencies have adjusted their operations due to COVID-19. You are encouraged to contact them before visiting any of their locations.
Food Banks & Low Cost Meals:
- Brockville and Area Food Bank (58 Buell Street, Brockville)
- Smiths Falls Community Food Bank (93 Russell St. East). 613-283-6695
- Loaves & Fishes (25 Front Ave, Brockville). 613-345-6498
- Meals on Wheels (CPHC Program). 1-800-465-7646. Qualified individuals only.
- United Way of Leeds & Grenville. 613-342-8889. Various services, must apply prior.
United Way is raising funds for frontline agencies that offer continuous support to vulnerable residents. Visit to learn how you can help and for information about their programs. - Employment Insurance ( There are high volumes of applicants meaning it may take some time to apply for EI.
- COVID-19 Supports Funded by the Social Services Relief Fund (SSRF) in Leeds Grenville. Read how different agencies are ready to assist you by clicking here.
- Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes Covid Supports website ( has been created to help families and individuals navigate the supports available from the provincial and federal government levels.